Python list() Function

The list() function in Python is used to create a list object. For example:

a = list()       # creates an empty list
b = list([1,2, 54, "codes", 54.5])       # creates a list with elements

The output produced by above Python program, demonstrating the list() function, is given below:

[1, 2, 54, 'codes', 54.5]

The same program can also be created in this way:

a = []
b = [1,2, 54, "codes", 54.5]

This program produces the exact output as of previous program's output.

Python list() Function Syntax

The syntax to use list() function is:

listName = list()

Python list() Function Example

Most of the time, the list() function is used to convert any other type of object to a list type. Here is an example of using list() to covert a string type to a list type:

str = "codescracker"
mylist = list(str)

The output produced by above program will exactly be:

['c', 'o', 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'e', 'r']

Here is another example of list() that are used to convert the set and dictionary object to a list object:

mytuple = (12, 34, 54, 65)
mydictionary = {"Day": "Friday", "Month": "November", "Year": 2021}

The output produced by above program is shown below:

[12, 34, 54, 65]
['Day', 'Month', 'Year']

Important - While converting the dictionary object to a list using list() function, then key are initialized as elements of the list.

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